Massage helps reduce muscle tension and stiffness in numerous ways, including increasing blood flow to your muscles. Some research shows that regular massage may also boost immunity by stimulating the production of white blood cells. Massage helps you relax and improve your mental energy. It may also make you more productive at work.

“Health-preserving morning massage in bed ” is very simple and quick.

Please, make use of the precious moments in the morning to take good care of your bodies and thus make yourselves happy and healthy.

When you wake up in the morning, do not open your eyes immediately, but rest in the bed for 30 seconds so that the body could get prepared. Next, rub your hands until they get hot. Then cover your eyes with the hot hands and begin to massage eyes in circles. Complete 36 circles in the clockwise and anti clockwise directions respectively. After that, slowly rotate your eyeballs from top to bottom, from left to right, and finally in circles. Repeat the eye-rotation for 18 rounds. Then open your eyes and stare at the ceiling for about 1-2 minutes. After completing this part of the massage, you will have a bright eyesight and feel refreshed, comfortable, and vigorous.

Rub your hands until they get hot.

Then cover both of your auricles (the outer projecting portion of the ear) with the hot hands and begin to massage them in circles. Complete 36 circles in the clockwise and anti clockwise directions respectively.

The movements should be slow, light, and comfortable. After the massage, gently insert the tips of both middle fingers into the exterior ear holes (fingernails must be trimmed and smoothed beforehand), and massage in circles. Complete 36 circles in the clockwise and anti clockwise directions respectively. After the massage, gently cover both of your auricles with the palms and use the finger pulps to softly tap your head.

This will refresh the brains and improve or maintain your good hearing.

Rub your hands until they get hot. Then cover your cheeks with the hot hands and begin to massage them in circles. Complete 36 circles in the clockwise and anti clockwise directions respectively. Rub your hands again until they get hot.

Then cover your forehead, mouth and nose with the hot hands and begin to lightly massage them in circles. Complete 36 circles in the clockwise and anti clockwise directions respectively. After that, you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated. This provides natural and cheap self-beautifying effects.

Rub your hands until they get hot. Then gently cover your face with the hot hands. Slightly push your middle fingers against the nose wings on both sides, and gently massage the face from bottom to top. The massage route may cross: Mouth, nose, eyes, forehead, hairline and Baihui Acupoint on the top of the head.

Then move the palms across the back of your head, the occiput (back part of the head or skull), the upper hind neck, the cervical vertebrae, the lower mandible, Chengjiang Acupoint (directly below the lip), the mouth, and the philtrum (under the nose).

Repeat this process for 8 circles.

This will improve your looks, refresh the brains, restore the spirit, promote blood circulation, and dredge channels.

The four massage steps described above can be completed while you are lying on the bed or sitting on the bed. After the exercises, sit on the bed and have a rest for 30 seconds and then stand still on your feet for 30 seconds.

This will completely ease the body and prepare you for the day ahead.

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