In the tantric approach, there are three energy systems we need to understand: The Chakra System, The Nervous System, and The Physical Body.

The Chakra System is the subtlest, and the Body the densest energy system. The Nervous System is the bridge. The tantric energy starts in the chakras, spreads into the Nervous System, then reaches the body. If we have old trauma-physical or emotional-in any of these three, the energy cannot move freely. Depending on the blockages, it either has to make detours, or can’t move at all, in which case we cannot experience orgasm.

The Nervous System

The tantric energy needs to be able to move through the chakras, the Nervous System, and the body for us to feel ecstasy. The Nervous System carries a certain expectation about how much positive, ecstatic energy it can let through before it overloads. This “upper limit” is determined by our experiences in the past. Once this “lid” is on the Nervous System, it automatically deflects excess positive energy coming towards us, unless we consciously remove the lid.

This mechanism is one of the main stumbling blocks on the tantric path, because even though we may want to experience more ecstasy in our lives, we won’t be able to unless we expand the Nervous System.

If you thought of your Nervous System as 1/2 inch in diameter, you start imagining it as 1 inch in diameter. More energy can flow through, which means that you can allow more energy into your life.

The Chakra System

In the original Hindu teachings, there are 7 chakras (chakra means wheel) in the body. Chakras are energy centers inside the body, in front of the spine. They are energy vortexes, they spin clockwise or counterclockwise. Each chakra includes certain organs, glands, and body parts.

In your body, there exists a subtle current of electricity, very subtle. But the subtler it is, the deeper it goes. It is not very visible. Scientists say that all the electricity that is in your body, if put together, can be used to light a five-candle bulb. It is not much. Quantitatively it is not much, quantitatively the atom is not much, but qualitatively… If it explodes, it has tremendous energy in it.

Osho, Philosophia Perennis, Vol. 1, Talk

Our chakra system is a rich and colorful system that corresponds to energies in our lives and areas of our body. When certain chakras are blocked, so are certain energies in our lives and parts of our bodies. Tantric work helps to open these chakras and bring the breath and movement of sensual energy to clean out and restore their natural goodness. Pleasure has the power to heal and by generating this cosmic kundalini pleasure energy and spreading it via touch and breath and sound thru out the whole body and therefore into the chakras we can create magic, healing and aliveness. Pure and simple.

The FIRST CHAKRA: Also known as the root chakra, or the area between the anus and the genitalia,functions as our anchor in the world and our connection to survival. It is also our sexual chakra where we can also experience sexual energy. If we have problems relating to this chakra our life force can be reduced to a dull murmur. Our relationship to work becomes a survival matter rather than a love affair of enjoyment. We tend to be more prone to diseases of the sexual organs. We also may feel we never have enough so we push ourselves to constantly create More. Healing the root chakra assists us in being more at ease in our bodies, on our planet and in the safety of a benevolent universe.

The SECOND CHAKRA: which is the belly center is a place of exsquisite creative power. But when contracted we may loose our sense of boundaries and our sense of what is ours and what is the others. We may say yes when we mean no or find ourselves in situations that we feel we are powerless to change. Our health can often suffer as we become poor self-nurturers and become constipated both literally and emotionally. When this chakra is aligned and healthy we are in good relation to life rhythms and we complete our creative projects.

The THIRD CHAKRA; the solar center the area of the belly button, is our center of self-esteem. When this area is blocked we may have low self worth and allow others to take advantage of us. We can become victims and not want to take responsibility for changing situations we got ourselves into. When this area is healthy we are empowered to do our best and show up for our lives with responsibility. And responsibility is merely our ability to respond.

The FOURTH CHAKRA is our heart chakra. Pretty easy to understand what happens when this one is blocked. We are in pain, and un-trusting and we doubt everyone and everything sometimes letting our head rule our choices rather than listening to the heart.We may long for love but the fear of getting hurt keeps us closed and untrusting. When our heart chakra is open and healthy we are embracing and accepting of people and situations with trust and ease. We look to create peace in our lives and have love to offer and receive.

The FIFTH CHAKRA, the throat center is our expression center. When this is blocked we find it hard to express ourselves and may be stuck in subordinate roles and we never really communicating our truth. When this area is healthy and in tune we are able to express our wants and needs and also give others permission to do the same.

The SIXTH CHAKRA: the third eye is a place of intuitive insight. When it is blocked we may feel confused or lost. So we tend to follow others and look for our authority outside of ourselves. We also may be resentful of being so co-dependent so we judge others. When the sixth chakra is healthy we see the higher picture and stay on track. It’s the visionary sense we all have. And the place where one sees the highest potential of both himself and others.

The SEVENTH CHAKRA: is our connection to spirit, also known as the crown chakra. When this is blocked we don’t really trust that we have the answers within us and our relationship to the divine is unclear. We are often apprehensive and dissappointed by life as we are not sure there really is a benevolent universe. When this chakra is healthy we are in touch with higher intelligience, light and love and feel connected to our higher power. We are infused with divine energy and wisdom.

The chakras when cleaned and balanced can be a tremendous source of cosmic energy, healing and beauty. There are many ways to chakra cleanse. Using Tantric breath, sound and movement is one way and should be practiced with care and consciousness. Yoga is another great way, hands on healings, accupuncture and many other healing forms.

May you walk in goodness and healing and find all you are sincerely searching for.


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